Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Politically Correct Interpretation of Law

This past Friday night I saw a few minutes of ABC’s 20/20. In one section, John Stossel told the story of two young boys who were accused of being sexual predators. The young boys went through several months of trials, were put in jail for about six days, and were finally, after a long time, acquitted of the charges. These boys were accused of this because they would go slap some of their female classmates on their butts, and would jump up next to them in a matter that was called "dry humping."

The boys were just twelve and thirteen. The girls were just thirteen. The boys were charged with five counts of felony sex abuse in the first degree. The girls laugh about it now, and do not consider themselves victims. Both the boys and the girls claim it was something that would go around at the school with the kids in that grade. In fact, Friday at their school, was considered "Smack Butt Day." There was no sexual activity involved- just a bunch of silly immature ‘spanking.’

What really got me about this, was that people worry far more about this than the do the real sexual predators today. There are sexual predators who are running scot-free today. The "justice" system of today seems far more worried about convicting eleven year-olds who partake in silly immature games than they seem to worry about thirty year old men who rape thirteen year old girls. If I had my way with the idiots who molest, rape, and perhaps kill innocent people, I’d give them harsh punishment to the fullest extent of the law. Whether it be life in prison, or just some short tough rope and a big tree, I’d show them their guilt, and let them take the rest up with the Almighty.

But instead, we leave this way of thinking into the way of seeing how many nit-picky arrests we can make. This little spanking game that these boys would do is silly and childish. But they did them because are silly children. What do you expect? I would not go slap a random girl on the butt- I would probably get smacked on the face, and rightfully so. But I’m seventeen and more mature than that now.

This is just one example. The law is becoming technical about your every move- and the way we interpret the law has become worse. The way you buy groceries, the way you educate children, the way private organizations pick their members, etc. is being bombarded by technical rules. It takes away your freedom. But so does letting guilty people get off scot-free. When a murder happens, it is about as reasonable today to sew the manufacturers of the gun, other than the killer himself. Or perhaps, if that idea does not work, you could sew the people who made the killer’s favorite video game as a kid. You know, most of these games are about killing someone, or keeping yourself from being killed. And while we’re at it, we might as well make sure no school allows children to play cops and robbers, because it promotes running from the law. Let’s just do anything we can to keep this murderer, rapist, or whatever he or she is, out of jail or capital punishment.

It is time we move away from these ways to the way it is supposed to be. Instead of worrying about the little things that don’t matter, focus on what really matters- our freedom and safety. Instead of going through months on end of trials, let’s get it over with quickly. Not that we rush to conclusions too quickly, but that we get what needs to be done in a timely manner. If the party is not guilty, they do not deserve to go through the stress of months of legal trials. If the party is guilty, they should quickly get their punishment.

But instead, in America we do not see this. It is not as if the law I was not made good enough. It’s that the judges who interpret the law do so in a politically correct way. We don’t see quick and accurate trials to bring justice to the guilty or to protect the innocent. We see a politically correct interpretation of law.

What do you think?

God bless America

Support our Troops

October 9, 2007

Ryan Hampton

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