Thursday, October 4, 2007

Disagreements Within the Church

The Christian church today is divided in so many ways. This division is bad for the church because it takes away growth in the church, and takes away Christian wisdom. Christians fight over stupid things that do not matter much at all in eternity. It is time that the church becomes more unified.

The great Protestant Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, etc. all did not want a divided church. They desired for the Roman Catholic Church at the time to see their evil ways and then allow Christians of different beliefs to openly discuss things of disagreement. However the church at the time did not want to openly discuss these disagreements.

Since then, the church has been dividing through denominations and fights. However many unbelievers see this and avoid the church. We forget about the cross and the empty grave. We forget about heaven and hell, and try to fight over the mysterious relationship of God’s Sovereignty to human free will.

It is time for Christians of many denominations to discuss their disagreements, and seek for a common ground, and seek to learn from each other. Jesus Christ died on a wooden cross to forgive us of all the times in which we have wronged Him. We seem to hate everyone for the simplest of things they have done to wrong us, or for the simplest of church disagreements. This in itself is an insult to Jesus Christ.

Don’t get me wrong. There is such thing as heresy, and there is such thing as justice enforced by man. Furthermore, false doctrine is sinful, and we should desire to help other Christians learn from false doctrines. But everyone is sinful and everyone has flawed conclusions. We can learn from each other.

In today’s world, denominations do have some positive benefits. Baptism, Communion, etc., could not be properly and in the right mindset performed in a church filled with different beliefs of Baptism and Communion. Nor could church government be installed in the right mindset amongst those with totally different conclusions. But we should not hate each other because of slight differences.

Personally, I am Presbyterian, but I do see this problem often within Presbyterian Christianity. Church authoritarianism is wrong and does seem to exist in certain Presbyterian circles. Recently, our Elder and a Law Professor at Samford University, David Smolin, preached a sermon on this church authoritarianism. He made some really good points that needed to be made. We do not have to go through church authorities in order to go to Heaven. Our only mediator between us and God the Father is Jesus Christ. The church is important, and can be helpful, but Jesus Christ is the ultimate mediator.

I enjoy the writings of Jeffrey Myers, Rich Lusk, Peter Leithart, Cornelius Van Til, James Jordan, Gary DeMar, Steve Wilkins, etc. But these writings should be made known outside of their general circle. Furthermore, those of this circle should read these open mindedly and only draw their conclusions based ultimately off of the Bible. It would also be good to read writings of other Christians who may be outside of this circle of beliefs.

But this is not just to Presbyterians, but to every Christian. It is time we openly mindedly reach our conclusions, and allow for any differentiating conclusion to be made in faith in Jesus Christ, and humble reliance upon His sovereign mercy.

What do you think?

God bless the Church

God bless America

Pray for our Troops

October 4, 2007

Ryan Hampton

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