Saturday, February 24, 2007

You Only Live Once!

I have been thinking a lot lately about the saying "You only live once." Often this is used to make the point that one should live a full, active life, living it to the fullest. This is in and of itself a good way of looking at life in a lot of ways, but sometimes this supports useless spending, and life of doing bad things.
But if we look at this in light of God, then it can be a good thing. If we realize that we only live once and that it is short, and we remember our Lord, then we should live a full life, giving glory to God. We were given a second chance at the fall (original sin that we are all born into) you could say, but now there is not a "second chance" beyond this life. Obviously this means that if when we die, we are not followers of God, then we will not enter into His kingdom, but it also pertains to those of us in Christ already. What will God say to us if we were in the Lamb's Book of Life, but we did not live like it; if we did not spread the Gospel according to God's will, and if we did not humbly give a helping hand whenever possible. What will God say to us? In the least, this is something to think about and ponder on.
As I ponder on it, I ask myself some questions: "Did I tell someone about Jesus when I had the chance, and felt it was on my heart,?" "Did I give at least 10% to church, if not more, and do so humbly,?" "Did I spend enough time with my family and friends, or act like I didn't care about them,?" "Did I hold the door open for that old man or woman, or assume that they can get it themselves?" I realize that even on my good days my answers are not what they should be, and these are just very basic questions. Did I go the extra mile for others? Often, I don't. Often, I often limit myself to a strict 10% on Sunday's, and sometimes, I feel tight on money after that, and I almost wish I didn't give. Then I ask myself, "What better way to spend my money than to spend it on the advancement of God's kingdom?" Then I realize that whether it be tithes and offerings, a night at the movies, a trip to lunch or dinner, or a birthday gift, all money I spend I should ask myself if it gives glory to God. In fact, I should ask myself the same question to every part of life. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (I think it is- correct me if I'm wrong), says "Whatever you eat or you drink, do all for the glory of God." If even what we eat and drink is looked at by God as either going or not going to His glory, how much more the way we spend our money, and give our time, two of the most valuable things to people today.
So I ask you and myself to live a little- or a lot- but to do so only in light of God's gift of life and salvation. We have this one shot, and then we hit eternity. Spend more time with family and friends, give a little more, work a little harder, praise God's name more, and spread the good news more. Sin is not only what we do that we should not do, but also failing to do what we should do. That is sin just as doing the things we should do is. Live life to the fullest- to please God first, others second, and you third. You will probably find that the more you do this, the happier you are anyway. Obey the Great Commission Jesus gave us (recorded at the end of Matthew). You have one life and one shot! Go for it!
What do you think?

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