Thursday, April 5, 2007

Ten Myths

Well I will put together a list of my top ten myths. These are social, political, ethical, and maybey even religous myths I have put together and I will show you why I think that they are myths.

MYTH 10- The population is too big and increasingly getting worse. This is a myth in my opinion. People have been talking about the population "bomb" for many years and it just hasn't happened yet. It has even been put that the whole world's population put only into the state of Texas would not even match the population density of New York state or New York City, I'm not sure which one honestly. People think that we will run out of food, but, often it's the same people who oppose hunting and fishing. With higher technology, we can farm on less land for the same amount of production, and all-round use our recorces better. This can go for tree-killing that envirementalists are worried about as well as for busting the myth of global warming. Children are sources of joy for parents and I would want no one telling me a limit to how many children I can have. The more children we prduce, the more people who can grow up and cure cancer, build safer car, aiplanes, trains, etc. We are only averaging about two children now anyways, which is just enough to replace the parents. We are no where near an exploded population.
MYTH 9- Atheists are neutral and open-minded. This is a myth. If an atheist and a Christian were in a debate, if the Christian was well-educated, he/she could easily show the atheists lack of personal dependence on God which they really ultimately must have, along with show their commitment to independence. Ultimately, neutrality itself is only a certain kind of bias. If you are "neutral," then you reject close-mindedness and so you are bias because you have a rejection. Ultimately, if someone denies God, then they must obtain this univers to have much of the same qualities of God that can not be explained without calling the universe God. Christians may be biased, but they are called to not compromise their faith, so they are called to be in a large way. Atheists are just biased because they chose to be independent in and of themselves.
MYTH 8- Global Warming is rapid and growing. This againis a myth. Global warming is an example of people who keep saying things to scare people. Politicians, the media, and sometimes regular, ordinary people who are not famous say things like this to scare people. People had been talking about the populoation bomb for a long time and it didn't happen, and people will probably continue to talk about the glabal warming catastrophy for a long time. We are better equiped to handle our recorses. Indians used to just burn whole forests to get what little they needed. Now we only see forests fires due to accidents or idiots who just want to set the forest on fire as a prank or something. One volcanoe really sets up about as much gas into the atmosphere as several years of driving anyways. I'm not at all against finding better ways to manage how we use things, but the reality is, we have. Things on a comfort standpoint really are getting better all the time. People like to say we have less free time, or the price of everything has gone up, or we will use up our welcome in the world so to speak, but really, we have higher technology, some goes to waste, but much of it is useful, and we just use things better. Global Warming is not a problem now in my opinion. They say that the temperature of the earth has increased over the last five hundred years, but how do they know what the exact temperature of the earth was five hundred years ago? The can estimate or guestimate, but they can't tell for sure. I don't see global warming as a problem, but as a myth.
MYTH 7- Guns kill people, so they should be outlawed. Once again, this is a myth. Any attempt to cut down on crime by cutting down on guns has not worked. Guns kill animals, which feed humans, and guns kill people who kill people. Guns can kill innocent people by accident or criminal intent, but so do cars, and planes, and other things as well as lack of guns to protect people. If you were a criminal, would you go to a house where the owner had a gun or didn't have a gun? Not that I would break into anyones house, but I certainly would not go into someone's house who I knew was a gun expert and had plenty of guns ready.
MYTH 6- Captialism helps only the rich. This is definetely a myth, and all though liberals claim capitialism over communism usually, their actions speak pretty loud. They fuss at Republicans and conservatives for helping only the rich. Those who preach less government are accused of helping the rich. That is not true at all. Less government and capitalism helps the poor reach their goals, and the rich maintain their goals. Sure life sometimes isn't fair but atleast it won't be because of an inefering government. Somtimes life isn't fair but capitalism is more fair than communism. Less is more when it comes to government in many ways. Captialism gives the poor person living in the ghetto a chance to get a small job, get paid and then move up, and move out of the ghetto to a more comfortable, afordable place. It also allows the person who does not work hard the probability of declining in the business world. That's the ways it mostly is in America and that is the way it should be. Capitalism may not be perfect, but it is closer to perfect than communism.
MYTH 5- Religion is the enemy of science. Another myth. Sure many and most of the "brand name" scientists out there may not be Christian, but a good many, probably majority of scientists believe in some God or deity. It is more than one would realize too. Christian scientists are often kicked out of teaching at major universities because of their "prejudice" faith. Even many who are not Christians still believe in a God or high power because they see no other way. Ultimately, religion can be viewed as a friend of schience becasue it explains it's origin. If God didn't exist, I mean no God, where did science come from. Science did not create God, but I believe God created science.
MYTH 4- Wal-Mart is desroying society and the free market. This is a myth. This is actually the opposite of what the myth teaches. Wal-Mart creates jobs, and save people money, and is succes to their own wealth. How is that destroying socity? It's not! Just because Wal-Mart has more doesn't mean that we were cheated into having less. The demand for wealth factor is important. Donald Trump would not work at Wal-Mart, but a hard-working immigrant would. Granted many immigrants are illegal and don't pay taxes, but still, Wal-Mar may pay people less, but they charge less and they don't force anyone to work for them. Those who work for them had a choice. Wal-Mart creates more jobs than the government. Wal-Mart saves shoppers money. Every other store has the right to do what Wal-Mart has done. Wal-Mart just found a nice strategy. Wal-Mart helps the economy, not hurts it.
MYTH 3- Highering legal immigrants hurts the society and takes away jobs. This is a little tricky because rarely do I defend the immigrants, much less illegal immiigrants, but this is about the legal immigrants- those who pay taxes, speak reasonable English, etc. Those who want to be apart of the American dream. Highering the legal immigrants means lower prices ore more jobs ore a combination. Many thinks it takes away jobs because the Mexican's work for less. It may in the short run, but there is more money in the pot so that more jobs can be created. Anyways, what is wrong with a hard-working legal immigrant getting money? Nothing! They still work for it. If these people are so worried, then they can get out and work more. Many places wouldn't higher an immigrant because someone like me would much rather have a hard-working, well-to-do white or black American who speaks very good English working, but if highering immigrants saves me money, then I guess is it may be worth it. Many people will complain if Mexicans work for less, and if the government gives them benifits, but their ancestors were immigrants not too long ago.
MYTH 2- The Civil War was about a nice North and a mean, slavery-oriented south. This is another issue that may have to do with immigration. Let's first say that the "Civil War" was not a Civil War. It was a war between The Confederate States of America against the United States of America. Slavery did not even begin in the South. The South had some bad things going on, such as some slavery, but slavery was rare in the South, and many of the head Southerners wanted to end it. The North and the U.S. Federal Government wanted to wage war on the South and agress onto the South who had less money. Many of the Southerners depended on slaves, and many of the slaves depended on Southerners. They would work hard for a good owner and somewhat of a good home. They had higher standerds of morality, and other benifits compared to Africa. This war was not all about slavery. It in general had to do with states rights. Slavery, perhaps, was the Yankee's way to make the South look bad in and throughout history. The South legally seceeded, and the North illegally aggressed on the South. The North was good in some ways and the South was bad in some ways, but the Yankee myth is not the correct view and this is a myth.
MYTH 1- The world is getting worse. This is a big myth. The world seems more complicated, evil, and hard. There are crooked politicians, crime in the streets, and more complications, etc. However I have shed some light on these myths. People want to scare people into believing crazy things. We have more free-time, and we have more luxeries. Could we survive without the internet? Many think not but last generation we survived without internet, cell phones, etc. Now when we spend all day on the internet we complain about not having enough free time. We complain about the crime, but there was crime last generation. There were crooked politicains. Think about the water-gate ordeal, and the civil rights issues, and all of the assassinations that happened. Consider five hundred years ago when you were in trouble with your life if you disagreed with the Pope. We certainly have a ong time to go before we are where we should be, but we are in many ways getting better all the time (Like Winn Dixie, right lol).
Well there's my top ten myths. You can read the blogs about the Civil War, Wal-Mart, Global Wariming, Gun/hunting controls, and Immigration if you want more depth into some of these topics.
What do you think?

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