Just below is a picture of how the area of my project looked before hand.
I began as a scout in Tiger cubs, and worked my way a little there. But after a while, I lost interest to basketball and left. I came back in Pack 335 where my Uncle was Den Leader with my cousin Devin. I had fun in Webelos I & Webelos II. I left there to Troop 351. In 2003, I left Troop 351 and went to Troop 335, where I have been since. I have been Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Historian, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and finally now Chaplain's Aid and Troop Guide.
Below is a picture of some of the work being done.
My project was a bit difficult. You have probably been seeing some pictures from my project on here. But with many people encouraging me, I succeded, even if my original goal of laying some 14 yards of concrete was not accomplished! It was difficult and time-consuming, but it was all worth it.
And as you see below, we are moving right along. The images speek for themselves!

I would like to thank everyone for whatever part you have had. God, my family, my friends, and those in the Troop- especially my Scoutmasters- Mr. Cuntiff, Mr. Watkins, Mr. Lenz (RIP), and Mr. Milam. Also a thanks to my Uncle David who got me back into Scouts when I was about 9. If you received an e-mail from me telling you thanks, then you are included - even if I did write to my entire address book. If I left you out, then don't worry. I might not have your e-mail address, or something could have messed up in sending it to you - or you may just be a random viewer of this. I know that there's many of those! (Not really). I will let you know of the plans for my ceremony. Thanks again, and God bless,
Hey, I am working! I am in the picture below!

And there is some of the final work being done.

hey thats nice good job now you will go on that wall right wow i think my dad is on that wall! anyway was it hard?
ok bye
Congratulations on Eagle Scout! That's a great accomplishment.
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