If you are around this area, then you may familiar with the local church-like phenomena, the basement. The basement holds claims to many claims of one finding Jesus, or coming closer to Him. However the basement also has minor controversy behind it.
However the controversy comes more from within the Christian Church, than outside the Christian Church. Many Christians urge other Christians to "come to the basement one Tuesday night" while others dismiss it as a "cult."
I am the kind of person who tries finding good in things done for the glory of God. I personally have never been to The Basement, and do not have first-hand experience as to what it is like. Generally speaking, I try to accept these sorts of events as good forms of Christian worship. However I also do not assume that any way of worshiping is necessarily one that can bring glory to God. Although I have never been to The Basement, I know plenty of people who have. I have never talked at length to anyone who has, but have heard second and third hand reports of what it is like. Going by the best I can see, I will give you my opinions on The Basement.
First off, I would encourage everyone who attends The Basement to question everything speaker Matt Pitt says with the Word of God. Of course, you should question anything anyone tells you with the Word of God, whether it be your Pastor, teacher, friends, or even parents- not just Matt Pitt. However, God does give some people the responsibility to teach the Word of God to others, and there are people God places in your life to help you in your life. In saying this, do not elevate anyone above the Word of God, nor put them level to the Word of God. However, remember that God has put some people in your life for the purpose of preaching His Word. In growing as a Christian, you should learn discernment on these accounts.
In saying this, I believe that any person who is lifted as a public speaker of the Word of God, should have accountability within the church. Anyone could talk at length about the Word of God, even quoting Scripture. However, having accountability is also important. I do not know of Matt Pitt’s experience. From what I have heard, he has some sort of training. However I am not sure what level of accountability he really has earned. Given the recognition he is receiving locally now, and what could grow out of this area, he and others around him should be careful. You should be careful too. Once again, validate (or deny) anything he, and others, say with the Word of God.
There have been reports that speaker Matt Pitt would often alter the Bible’s wording slightly, or perhaps fail to back his opinion with the Word of God, while still claiming he knows where the Bible would defend his point. There have also been reports that he is improving on these such areas. I hope he is. However this is not all of my concern, questions, or opportunities of praise for this ministry.
I have heard that Matt Pitt has said that the basement is not a church, and that those attending should be in church. I agree, and am glad to hear reports that he says this. I do not feel that what happens at The Basement on Tuesday nights could replace what should happen on Sunday morning. Because of this, I do not hold the basement to the same standards as what I would Sunday morning worship service. It is great to have a mid-week church-like function for teenagers apart from their typical weekly service.
However if the basement puts itself up as a place of corporate worship before God, there are some guidelines that they should follow, ultimately rooted in Scripture. What if the speaker (hypothetically) said, "Let’s praise God by eating dog food!" God would not be pleased with this attitude. The Bible is clear that there should be order in any form of corporate worship. The Bible is also clear, that if there is a place of corporate Christian worship, that it should reflect the how the church universally should be. The church should be distinguished from the world, and should be very serious minded toward the Gospel. In the same way, a corporate worship service to God should not be blended in with the world. I have heard second and third hand of The Basement taking songs by the rapper, Usher, only to change the words into Christian meanings. I do not feel as if this presents the best worship attitude before God Almighty.
I could not point to a place in Scripture and tell you from one specific verse what would be wrong with that scenario. However I could not point to one verse to validate or deny many things done by Christians or hated by Christians. Rap music, generally speaking, rightly or wrongly, has an image that should not want to be held by Christians. Therefore, I feel that it essentially waters down the Gospel to play Christian rap, or to say "I hate all rap except Christian rap."
The same could and often does, in my opinion, go for rock music as well. However soft rock, as opposed to punk-sounding rock, does not have this sort of image. For this, I have nothing against light Christian rock. I believe that one can listen to it, and essentially be brought closer to God. God gave us music to glorify His name. I believe that there are places even in corporate Christian gatherings where such music could be played. It is obvious that many are brought closer to God through the playing of these sorts of songs. However, I also feel that in The Basement, as well as places similar to The Basement, a watered down version of the Gospel is portrayed, often beginning in the music. The Christian theme song of today seems so light compared to what it should be. If the "Christian theme song" (for lack of better terminology) was a classic hymn such as "We are God’s People" or "Holy, Holy, Holy," then we would be much better off as a church worldwide.
One reason many feel that contemporary music is better is because it is more attractive young people and non-Christians. However, it is not good to become like the world in order to attract more people. If people "join" Christianity simply because the music sounds good, and not because of what it means, then they are probably not in it for the right reasons. There is nothing wrong with trying to make a Christian arena attractive to young kids or to non-Christians. However, I have concern when the church tends to blend in with the world.
At the same time, the church should not simply be on the sidelines to the world. Often, the Christian has a tendency to either blend in with the world, or be too far away from the world. We should not be spectators holding signs that say, "Join the club or you’ll die in hell!" We should offer an alternative to the world and sinful lifestyles, found only through Jesus Christ. To do this, we must be distinct, and then act. I feel that The Basement acts, and I commend The Basement for that. However, I also have concerns as to if the way they act is the best way to bring glory to God.
Furthermore, if the basement is a place for teenagers to come in worship, I feel that eventually these kids should grow as a Christian. Our youth today is caught in the middle of American individualism, and American emotionalism. I believe that the children are not attracted by deep theological ideas, but rather, community, acceptance, and their emotions. First and foremost, the church, especially a place such as The Basement, should be there on these accounts. The basement has done just that. They give the children a place where they can come and feel loved despite what their past is, and a place that will fire the emotions in a person. However, after this, the church should respond to teaching theology, so that the Christian may grow. I am not sure if The Basement is doing this. Emotionalism should not be the only thing that a church answers to or teaches.
It is hard to both adhere to the emotions of people, and consistently teach their minds. However they can go together. What often happens in a sinful world, is either you attract a lot of people, who seem to grow, but long-term do not grow much, or, rather, a place that will attract very few people, but whose members grow long-term in their relationship with Christ. Basically, the question is quantity or quality? For the strengthening of the church as a whole, both are needed, and both can go together. It is just often hard to find that ground. Once again, as a growing Christian, you should grow in your discernment on these accounts.
So in closing, I give my blessings to The Basement for all good that they have done, and hope to see this grow, if indeed this is a service to God. However I do not feel that any place that has the supposed intent on worshipping God necessarily does it in the correct way. Furthermore, if giving glory to God was measured purely on attendance or earthly success, then any church on television would be a wonderful glory to God. However many Pastors on television wind up laughing their way to the bank. Also, though, God in His infinite wisdom can use people who are even flawed in themselves. Even if The Basement does do things that is not right in God’s sight, or if Matt Pitt himself is hypocritical, God is still infinite, and works even in ways that may not seem good at first. God could take an apparent curse and turn it into a blessing.
If The Basement has led one person to Christ, then it has served some good purpose to God’s kingdom. Of course, this could either be because the people of The Basement have set out to give glory to God, and through God’s grace, God’s kingdom grew, or because God worked through flawed people with different intentions. If you attend The Basement, then I encourage you to still attend weekly service elsewhere. Going to The Basement may not be a bad thing, but it can not replace what should happen on Sunday mornings. Continue to base all your thoughts on the Word of God, and on your faith. Continue to lift high the cross, so that the world may know Jesus Christ is God.
You may want to look at the following blog on The Basement written by Cliff Prosser:
You may also want to read the other blog I posted just before this on true, weekly, Christian corporate worship (dealing with the traditional Sunday service).
Some of what I touched on in this blog is found in those two blogs. Some of the comments in Cliff Prosser’s blog bring up good points.
I have plenty to write about. I will try to post a blog on the election. I will also try to post a blog on what government really is, and why God gives us government. I would also like to post a blog on the popular book and movie series, Harry Potter. I saw one of the movies recently, whereas before that, I had not watched any of the movies, nor read any of the books. I know that this is controversial amongst Christians, so I will give you my ten cents worth on the popular book/movie series. I will probably post a couple of personal blogs, as well as some sort of devotional, moral-social idea, etc. Thank you!
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The basement is one of the best places you can go if you are a Christian and a young adult. It has up beat music, and you praise Jesus when you walk into the door. This place will set you on fire for God. There is nothing cult about it. It is just music and then a short time that you sit and listen to Matt Pitt preach a little bit. All it is is a new way for younger people to have fun while learning and praising God.
I agree...
Giving expert advise without first hand experience is foolish, reckless, and ignorant. I feel sorry for those who you might have influence over because if you give them "wisdom" like you tried here I don't even want to think about the repercussions of that.
the basement is an amazing place the atmosphere of young people coming together for one purpose...an thats to praise God is mind blowing to me.If people are there for the wrong reasons then they wont be for long...if they continue to come.You cant be in a positve, uplifting, heartfelt inviornment witout being wrapped up in the word of God...and as far as it being a cult is just ridiculous.When going to the basement your not made to come and your not made to stay...yes in the begining there are worldly music beats played with a twist of christ like lyrics...but that goes on for a few minutes then its brought down to the praise and worship slower songs...and if you dont want to stay for that...your not made to...because if your gonna be there we want you there for the right reason. Matt Pitt gives us life lessons and incorporates it into the word he shows how we can come up out of our issues because some of those same issues were in the bible and people dealt with them or got through them with the hlp of Jesus Christ. Matt dosent put himself above or on the level of God he puts hisslf on the level of us and makes sure that we know he is just as imperfect as we are.Ive learned from going every tuesday that its all about a choice there..u choose to come...you choose to accept God into your life...you choose tobe around other cristians who share the same goal as you do....The Basement cant be wrote about on told information it has to be written about on experience.
The basement is reaching a generation that "the church" has cast aside as a lost generation. I'm sure that the church that is basically founded on RELIGION and not the word of GOD, can be a little turn off. Because religion says you can only worship God a certian way but God says to JUST worship Him and Him alone!
I read only a little bit of your blog, and what you said was thought out somewhat, but not all that well. Just because people go and listen to a person preach over and over again does not mean that person esteems that person with the Word of God. Secondly, it is not a church service as you said, yet when two or more followers of God meet, God is there in the "corporate" sense. Lastly, you spoke about rap as though it should not be a type of music to glorify God. What actually glorifies God, the beat or the words of music? Your right I do not like rap, but I see nothing wrong with God being glorified through rap. All these things are said with careful words. I have gotten my B.S in Religion from Liberty University and now I am working on my master degree in religion. I've studied this over and over again. If you ready to put the worship of God in a box, then you do so. I will not. If you want to downplay rap, I want you to think about this. Some of these guys come in not ever attending a church. Christian rap is a tool which can be used to help bring them into fellowship with God. When Paul went into a Greek city, he did not blast them for having all the hand made gods. But he did tell them about the true God after reading "to the unknown god." Think about such things before you try to write about something you never been to.
Ryan - I have never been to The Basement, don't know anything about it.
My concern is with your apparent issues with research and the ability to covey information.
You did no research, attended no service and wrote a 5,000 word waste of time.
I also love how you are an authority on what acceptable measures of Christian services should be.
Where exactly do you find Sunday services in the Bible?
You've been duped, had, bamboozled.
Your sentence structures also had no rhyme or reason. I'm not hating on you because of your opinion, I am hating on the lack of Scriptural prudence you show or investigative spirit.
And who cares if the guy has a degree? What did Paul say about such things?
I mean this in love - Go, read the Bible, spend some time studying. Then look for real issues in the world and bring truth.
This was sheer nonsense. Lastly, be careful about bearing false witness. The only person in sin through out this blog would be you.
I'm not a coward lol.. you can come criticize my writings at:
you just sat and wrote your beliefs about something that you have only experienced second or third hand? Thats like someone writing about christianity who has only experienced it second or third hand. so dont only think before you speak, but experience before you put in your 2-cents. You need to remember that unfortunately a lot of churched not only dont appeal to teenagers but they also dont do as much to draw them in, they see them as a lost generation and many have given up hope. As a youth pastor, i see the things Matt Pitt is doing to draw kids in and help them to find God within all the craziness of this world and i thank him for it.
Matt's ministry should be measured by its fruit. It appears to be abundant.
Ok, all you anonymous commenters are so courageous in your opinions that you left an anonymous comment, need to take a few deep breaths read Ryan's post again and ask yourself if he isn't asking some valid questions.
He actually never said that the Basement was an abomination or that you shouldn't go there or that it was a cult. You all put those words in his mouth.
Perhaps the most important thing that Ryan said was that you should question everything you hear from any preacher. What is our source of truth? Is it not God and His holy Word? Weigh anything anyone says against the Word of God.
Secondly, there are literally hundreds of thousands of movements in the world that have "fruits." So you cannot just measure the success of a movement by its "fruit." I hope and pray to God that Matt Pitt and the fellows at the Basement are preaching the true Biblical gospel and that people are coming to grips with the fact that they are lost sinners in need of redemption through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. If that is happening at the Basement, then praise God! I think Ryan here would agree, if people are hearing the gospel repenting from sin and trusting in Jesus there, then AMEN! Praise the Lord!
The fact that Ryan actually said very little to criticize the Basement and you guys all jumped all over him worries me a bit.
I don't agree with everything Ryan said here, I think there is a place for Christian hip hop music and Christian rock (I am not sure if that place is in church services or Bible studies where worship is the focus, but I do think there is a place for those things). But Ryan said very little to criticize the Basement, more than anything else he said to question what they are doing there. That is a very Biblical thing to do--Paul called the Bereans "noble" because when he preached, they "examined the Scriptures to see if these things were so" (Acts 17:11).
I not saying anything about the Basement (cause I don't know much about it), but if God is working there, then what is taught and what is promoted will conform to the clear teaching of Scripture, it will promote God's glory rather than man's and it will declare the gospel of Christ that we are saved by grace through faith and not by works so that no one may boast (Eph. 2:8-9).
Also if you are youth pastor, please don't let this become a replacement of your youth Bible Studies on Wednesday nights--I fear if that is happening, you are pulling students away from accountability in the local church. Matt Pitt I think would say the same thing--don't let this be your "church." You need Christians in your life who know you, will encourage and build you up and hold you accountable.
I have been to The Basement many, many times and I do agree that you should be very careful about embracing anything and everything people say. However, I have a real problem with someone trying to make an assumption about The Basement on second and third hand comments. If you are going to try to break it all down just go there for yourself and check it out. If you have not been there then I think you have no ground to make comments at all. It's kind of like someone unmarried giving marriage counseling. It just doesn't make sense. That is what hurts the Christian community. People can take a few of the comments that were made (even though they may have been right) and run with it and do more damage to the Kingdom of God rather than good. I don't even know who you are, but I think you should limit your "advise" to things you have experienced and not going on 'hearsay'.
I myself have never been to the basement, because I do not live in that area. I came across this in search of finding some information about what its all about. I do however, go to a church that seems to display a similar style to what happens at the basement.
I don't find that using certain styles of music is compromising any values. Music is a powerful tool that God has provided for us to reach others and glorify him. Granted there are styles of music that have been given negative images; its not our faults as Christian if someone else discovered a catchy style of music before we did. Think of it this way its the melody, the beat, that attract people, but its the lyrics that capture ones heart, so why not use the style and change the lyrics to ones that glorify God. And sure the music may be the reason that some people show up, but hey their showing up! Can you think of a better way to reach this generation? If you do, then I'd like to hear it, along with examples of its effectiveness.
Try this for a suggestion! Check out the basement, but let go of any negative expections you have, because it will be easy to twist things into fitting them. Go with an openmind, and a discerning heart. If the basement isn't so bad, why not get involved by mentoring those who are new Christians. Perhaps you can direct them towards the message more than the music by providing understanding and sheding light on areas they may have found confusing. Ask them questions, discuss with them what is being shared so that they may grow! Use your wisdom to enhance their wisdom. Teach them discernment, challenge them to take what they have learned and explore it further! Your time would be much more useful than you sitting at a computer writing a long blog about something you have not experienced yourself.
Go check it out for yourself, especially before you write about it. If I were to blog about Mt. Dew it would make sense to drink some first before I wrote about it. Sounds like you have way too many conclusions for never attending a Basement event. I would recommend you trying to get to know Matt Pitt and his team as well. Your zeal is cool, but your lack of knowledge pertaining to Matt and The Basement is a little concerning.
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