Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ryan Hampton Supports...

We are about five months away to the primaries of the Presidential elections, and many people have already decided who they will vote for. I will be a first-time voter myself, and I have been trying to make the right decision as to who I will vote for. No, I have not tirelessly read and researched every single candidate of every single party in full detail, but I have put at least some thought into who will receive my first official vote I cast for being President of The United States of America.

I have finally decided who I will give my official support to. This candidate has seemed better than any of the others from the very beginning I started studying of him. He is pro-life, and is a Christian. He is for a limited, Constitutional Government. His voting record is perhaps the most consistent of those running. His stance of immigration has been strong and consistent: essentially, to secure our borders. He is a protector of states rights, and is for low taxes. He also wants America independent of global government.

This candidate, though, is stuck in no-where’s land politically. Not many conservatives like him (even though he claims to be the most conservative of those running). Not many Democrats like him either, nor do many Libertarians. He would probably fall best in line with the Constitutionalist Party, but he is running as a Republican.

This candidate is Congressman Ron Paul, from Texas. His stance on the war has made him not very popular among Republicans. A lot of what many conservatives would want the Federal Government to do, Paul advocates it to be done by State Government because of Federalism. These nit-picky gripes conservatives make at Paul keep him from gaining attention as the strongest upholder of the Constitution.

An interesting topic is the gold standard of money. Hardly any politician today would claim to want to go to the gold standard. But Ron Paul does. Many people consider this too radical or too "out there," but Ron Paul has good points. If we base our money currency standard off of nothing but meaningless paper, then it is essentially as if the Government can buy anything on a credit card. Our next generation must pay for that credit card bill. If we base our money currency policy off of gold- something that is scarce and has real value in and of itself- then we have a real backing for anything anyone- especially the government itself- buys and trades for.

Perhaps the biggest concern conservatives and Republicans have toward Paul is his stance on the war. I have questioned it myself. I have never considered myself anti-war, even in regards to this war. But Paul has, and given the fact that there are lives on the line in the war, I have considered carefully the war as in issue to help determine who wins my votes. But I do not think that Paul is against catching terrorists who do harm to our country. He simply holds the foreign policy held by none other than our founders: to stay out of foreign entanglements when at all possible. Catching the enemy is one thing, and an important thing- being a moral police to the entire world is quite another. In the past we have given money and/or support to those who seemed to be our friends, but turned against us (such as Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein). Ron Paul also defends his beliefs on the war not on political benefits as many Democrats, but on the Constitution. War should be declared by Congress Constitutionally. In this case, it was mostly the President who declared war. Furthermore, Ron Paul is for national security- even if not in an all-out war on Iraq. The first step to national security is to secure your borders- something Ron Paul is a strong advocate of. War comes only after that. Ron Paul would be for catching the terrorists- just not making an all-out war on nearly every nation in all of the Middle East or Eastern Civilization. But beyond all of this, war (certainly this war) is a complicated issue. I do not think that any one person who will be reading this could give me a definite account of what we should do. If you have been to war, then God bless you, and you probably know more than many people. But even those who have gone to war have different opinions. I might have to place my trust in a politician on the matter- because I do not know the full details of the war. I only have to go by my philosophy to war, and the little I can see of it. I do not like placing my trust in politicians, but Ron Paul is probably the most trustworthy of those who are running for President.

I have considered other candidates. Fred Thompson might be the best of those who actually stand a good shot at winning (the chances of Paul winning are small). His speech on Federalism seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to what I hear many politicians say. Mike Huckabee brings forth a good traditional conservative Christian approach, which is missing in politics today. Giuliani may be one of the best leaders who will be running (although some of this may be stereotype and not completely true). Tom Tancredo is for tough immigration laws, and seems to be in favor of school choice. Sam Brownback made some speeches on morality in politics that seemed pretty good and fair to say, and consistent within my views. But Ron Paul seems to be the most honest, fair, and Constitutional person running for President.

Until any further notice, Ryan Hampton, and his blog, From The Mind of Ryan Hampton, will be a supporter of Republican Congressmen Ron Paul of Texas, as the next President of the United States of America.

Check out my blog at http://www.ryanhampton.blogspot.com/

Check out Ron Paul's website at http://www.ronpaul2008.com/

Thank you.

What do you think?

August 28, 2007

God Bless America


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