People today have distorted who the Real Jesus is. Not hat I in any way have the perfect view of Jesus, but I would like to tak a time to share with you who I think Jesus is.
Most of the problem results from the fact that we fail to view Jesus as both God and Man. The church today has matured from Arianism and other false doctrines that in some form or fashion questions Jesus' double nature (of God and Man), but we still fail to really pull it together. Perhaps we fail to see Jesus as being the true God, to whom we pray to and through. It's so easy to see Jesus as a reference in prayer to the Father, but often we fail to actually see Him as the Mediator from us to the Father, to whom we are praying to. And at times, we fail to see that He was man, capable of many human errors (other than sin), and we fail to see the man Jesus as a real historical person who radically changed the world.
Jesus' message was something radically different than that of the Roman Empire, and was perhaps the main thing that faded Rome away. The message of Jesus was political. Repenting was not a nice word to make us feel better about a fault, but it was political and powerful. Repent meant to turn away from the idea that Caesar was absolute ruler, and turn to the fact that Jesus is the New and greater King.
The Romans were actually religiously tolerant contrary to much belief. But it is impossible to be completely tolerant. In order to be tolerant, there must be some things you do not tolerate. The Romans did not understand this, and as a result had the worst form of intolerance to Christianity because it did have moral standards, and it did say that there was a New King.
The Roman military was powerful, and Jesus's message was quite different. It was about love. Jesus died for His People, the greatest of all love. Jesus told us to love our enemies. When Jesus fulfilled the Law, He fulfilled it with love and grace. Consider the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) where Jesus turned the Commandments to the heart (you commit adultry in the heart, murder in the heart, etc.). As ironinc as it sounds, the sword that Jesus brought (Matt 10:34) was a sword of love. The love that Jesus brought was too poweful for the greedy and prideful Romans. It is interesting, because while Jesus came to save a fallen world, in a historical context He also killed a thriving world. Jesus stepped into the middle of the Pax Romona (Peace of Rome) and from Jesus' message the Roman Empire faded away. It was sort of an "out with the old in with the new" Baptism.
From a philisophical context, Jesus also cured many wounds. Up to this point there was a tension between the natural and the idea (or so in the mind of man). The deductive Platonic school of thought was in rival with the inductive Aristotilian school of thought. Jesus brought these into synthesis by being both God and man. As a result many other seemingly contradictory things have been were brought out of antithesis (the peace and the sword, grace and the Law, the mind and the heart, etc.).
America today is much like Rome. We have put the mind and the heart into antitesis, and only Jesus can cure that. We have a dominant military, but perhaps we don't always use it in the right way. We have a love for our nation as the Romans did, which is a great thing, but perhaps we use this love as defending government acts that should not be defended, and perhaps putting even our nation ahead of the true King Jesus. We live in an individualistic society that teaches that if someone harms you, you must harm them back.
But Jesus said to turn the other cheak. Jesus Himself was around the worst of sinners and ate and drank with them. Jesus was the life of the party often times.
So what can we do to start believing in Jesus as the real Jesus? Believe that Jesus is present when we pray, especially in the context of corporate worship. Start loving your enemies as Jesus did. And perhaps we can learn from Jonny Cash. After Jonny Cash redevoted his life for the Lord, he still played performances for those even in jail. I particularly like his song "Man in Black" where he sympathizes to those who may not be as blessed as us. He sympathized because he could. He had been on the wrong paths in life, and knew it was love that was the only cure.
So that is why I'm always goofing off, befriending the worst of sinners, etc. I wish I could more. Many people say I'm over my head, immature, and maybe I rightly am. And maybe some things are just too big for me. But I have nothing wrong with becoming weak for the weak, or all things to all people as the Apostle Paul said (1 Corinthians 9: 19-23). I don't want to spend my life just reading Scripture and writing deep thoughts, though they may be great things. I want to write a song about the sinner longing for acceptance; I want to bring laughter to those around me; I want to get dirty to help the less fortunate; I want to see a little child grow up and remaining young in heart, a rareity now days. It helps me become more aquaintenced with the REAL Jesus.
What do you think?
God bless America
God bless His Church
May 9, 2008
Ryan Hampton
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Hello! I found your website. My name is Anders Branderud and I am from Sweden.
I would just like to write some words.
Who was the historical J*esus?
I am a follower of Ribi Yehoshua – Mashiakh – who practiced Torah including Halakhah with all his heart.
He was born in Betlehem 7 B.C.E . His faher name was Yoseiph and mother’s name was Mir′ yâm. He had twelve followers. He tought in the Jewish batei-haknesset (synagogues). Thousands of Jews were interested in His Torah-teachings. Some Jews who didn’t practice Judaism where threatened. They decided to crucify him. So they did - together with the Romans. His followers were called Netzarim (meaning offshoots [of a olive tree]) and they continued to pray with the other Jews in the synagogues.
Christianity does not teach the teachings of Ribi Yehoshua. Ribi Yehoshuas teachings were pro-Torah; Christianity is anti-Torah. 2 billions of Christians doesn’t follow Torah – that is definied as sin according to Torah.
If you want to learn more click at our website -- than click at the lick "Christians"; click at my photo to read about what made my switch religion from Christianity to Orthodox Judaism.
Anders Branderud
Follower of Ribi Yehoshua in Orthodox Judaism
Great Job, Ryan. Keep it up!!!
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